Meet Team Colorado State Representative, Cally Cripps

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We are very excited to introduce Cally Cripps, an Endo Activists from Colorado who is now on board to travel to the Colorado State Capitol in Denver as State Representative for Endo Advocacy Day 2020. You can learn more about Cally below and be sure to follow her on Instagram at @thestrongestspoon.


If you would like to travel to your State Capitol to meet with elected officials as part of next year’s Endo Advocacy Day (target date of Friday, March 27, 2020), just click here to schedule a phone appointment with one of our EndoMarch team members so that you can learn more.


A Denver transplant and new Endometriosis awareness advocate, Cally has been living life with Endometriosis since her late teens. She has been working in the information systems side of healthcare for the last 9 years. Fortunately, finding this work showed her what goes on behind the scenes and gave her a better appreciation for all that is expected of medical professionals. After completing her Masters in Organizational Leadership, she decided to start helping other individuals with chronic illness realize they could have great careers too.                

Cally writes, ”My endometriosis journey began with seeing a gynecologist in high school who kept insisting there was nothing wrong and that I was making everything up. Fortunately, I was able to find a doctor early in college who believed me and I received my Endometriosis and PCOS diagnosis. I have since had three surgeries over the last decade and am currently scheduled for my fourth surgery later in 2020. Luckily, I have been seeing a pelvic floor physical therapist for the last four years which has helped reduce many of my symptoms.    Let’s change the standard of care for endometriosis patients. I never want another young female to go through feeling like their body is foreign to them and out of their control.“